What does a positive test mean?
If you receive a positive test result, your doctor may wish to explore additional testing and evaluation. This may include investigative tests (such as a colonoscopy) which could assist your doctor in understanding the cause for blood in your stool.
What does a negative test mean?
A negative test result means that no human blood was detected in your submitted samples. Colorectal diseases do not bleed all the time and a faecal immunochemical test may not detect blood even if a condition is present.
If you have any questions about your bowel health we recommend you speak with your doctor.
Why wasn't my samples tested?
Unfortunately, the samples you have supplied were determined to be invalid and as such could not be tested.
Invalid samples are considered unsuitable for testing as it may lead to an incorrect result; a replacement test kit may be sent out at Enterix's discretion.
The following examples may lead to a sample being declared invalid:
- Incorrect Sampling - Instructions not followed
- Sample exceeded 14 day expiry - tests must arrive at our facilities within 14 days of the first toilet sample.
Please be aware of public holidays, long weekends, and unforeseen circumstances as they may impact the delivery of your samples.
- Test card was lost or damaged in transit - your sample was lost/damaged on the way to the laboratory.
Instructions to complete your test successfully can be located on the instruction leaflet included in your testing kit; alternatively you may access the instructions at this link: How to use
Please do not hesitate in contacting our Clinical Support team on 1800 55 65 75 should you require any further assistance.
Starting from August 28, 2023, you can now access the ColoVantage Home Patient Portal. No more waiting for snail mail or wondering if we got your sample – it's all right there on our Patient Portal.
What is the Patient Portal?
Our Patient Portal provides a secure platform to access your ColoVantage Home Bowel Screening Test results.
You can use the portal to:
- View your results within hours of processing at our laboratory
- No need to wait for the mail to arrive
- See a history of your results
- Update your details
- Download and print your results to take to appointments with different care providers.
Who is the Patient Portal for?
The Patient Portal is exclusively for our customers who have submitted tests to our laboratory for processing. It is accessible only by you, our valued customer, ensuring your privacy and confidentiality.
Can I see if the lab has received my samples?
Yes – once your samples have been received by the laboratory, a notification is sent to your e-mail. From there, you can click on “Testing Details”.
If “Sample Testing Status” shows “Under Testing”, then the laboratory has received and is processing your samples currently.
If it shows “Completed” then your sample has been processed and it’s awaiting review by our Medical Officer.
Once it has been reviewed, you will get another notification and your results will be ready under “Reports”.
How do I know if my results are ready?
You will receive a second email notification informing you when your results are ready. Simply follow the link provided in the email to access and download your results from the "Reports" tab.
Do I need to download an app?
No app required! You can access your results on your phone, tablet, or computer, as long as you have an internet connection and a web browser.
Do you still send a copy of my results to my nominated Doctor?
Yes. If you have nominated a doctor to receive results in your Patient information form, we will send a copy to your doctor as well.
Do I need strong computer skills to use the portal?
The Enterix Patient Portal has been designed for users with varying computer skills. You only require internet access and a valid email address or valid mobile phone number. The portal is accessible from any device that has access to the internet.
Can I use the portal if English is not my first language?
No, the software does not currently have the portal available in languages other than English.
What if I have questions about my test results?
Your clinician will discuss your results with you either over the phone or at your next visit and advise what action you should take based on those results and the rest of your medical assessment. Please contact your healthcare team if you have any further questions or concerns.
Is my information safe?
Confidentiality is a priority at Enterix. Information stored
within Enterix’s electronic medical record adhere to the highest security standards, including encryption and password protection. We support and comply with
all relevant privacy legislation. You can help keep your information safe by
not sharing your login or password. Find out more about how Enterix treats information about you at Privacy Policy –
ColoVantage Home
If you've provided us with your email address, you will receive two notifications. The first is when your samples have been received by the laboratory and the second is when your results are ready.
Logging in
Once your sample has been received by the laboratory, you will receive a notification with instructions on how to log in for the first time. Simply use your username/email and the password prompted in your notification to log in.
Can I download or view my results?
You can download and view your results under the "Reports" tab. Click on the "File Name" of your sample to open a new window for viewing and downloading.
I recently moved houses/changed my details – can I change my details in the patient portal?
If you've moved or changed your contact information, you can easily update your details in the patient portal.
Log in and select "Edit" under "Personal Details." Make the necessary changes and select "Update."
Can I see results for tests I completed before August 28, 2023?
Results prior to August 28, 2023, are not available via the Patient Portal. You can only view/download results from this date onwards. For copies of previous results, please contact us via our website contact form (https://www.colovantage.com.au/pages/contact).
Changing your Password
To change your password, log in to the Patient Portal. Click on the photo icon at the top right, then select "Change Password." Follow the prompts to provide your current and new passwords.
Login issues?
If you encounter login issues, please reach out to us via the contact form on our website:
What does the ColoVantage® Home test include?
This test includes:
- the test kit
- return postage of your samples
- laboratory processing
- result notifications (and one to your doctor, if you choose to nominate one)
- an annual reminder service ('Renewal Program')
Can you tell me about the test?
ColoVantage® Home is based on the latest technology to detect traces of blood that may be present in your stool, which may indicate colorectal disease.
First released in 2000, ColoVantage® Home is a faecal immunochemical test (FIT) that has now been used to screen thousands of people across Australia and New Zealand.
There are no dietary or medicinal restrictions. You do not need to go off any foods or medicines.
There is no faecal handling – you do not need to scoop any solid matter.
Samples are not required to be refrigerated.
For more information about how ColoVantage® Home works, click here.
I am with a health insurance fund. Can I claim this back?
Possibly, please contact your health insurance fund for further details – to claim a refund you will need a receipt.
I am/have _________ . Can I get the test for free?
• Over 50 years old, or a pensioner:
No, we charge a fee for our service.
• Have a DVA gold card:
We currently do not have an arrangement with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Please make payment for the test and request a receipt on your Patient Information Form. You can then submit this receipt to the DVA to claim your entitlement.
Why do I have to pay? I heard this test was free.
The ColoVantage® Home test is not associated with the National Bowel Screening program, and is therefore not taxpayer funded.
Can I claim this test on Medicare?
No, our test is currently not available for Medicare Rebates.
You have sent me a test but I don’t want to do it this year. Can I send it back?
Due to the nature of the product, unfortunately we are unable to accept returned kits. If you are planning on completing the test at a later date, please make sure to check the expiry date printed on the back of the test card prior to collecting the samples.
Yes, every kit has an expiry.
The expiry date can be located at the back of the test card enclosed in your collection kit.
If you had provided us with your e-mail address, a copy of your receipt will be sent through after your sample has been tested.
If you had not provided us with your e-mail address, a copy will be sent through with your result.